The following are descriptions of Yarger Engineering, Inc.'s projects.
Traffic Signal Timings, Spring, Market and Elm Streets, New Albany, IN
The City of New Albany received ARRA (Stimulus) funds to modernize their old pretimed signals in downtown to coordinated fully actuated signals. Yarger Engineering, Inc. developed and installed the signal timings. They also participated in the pre-final inspection due to unique knowledge of traffic signal design and operation.
Traffic Impact Study and Driveway Design, Bethany Christian Church, SR 57, Washington, IN
Bethany Christian Church is in the process of moving from the north side of Washington to a new building on the south side of Washington. The site is much larger than needed by the Church, so they plan to sell off lots for other development, such as restaurants, convenience store, and apartments. They also are planning to have soccer fields behind the church. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was hired to prepare a traffic impact study for the phased development of the site and to prepare roadway plans for a new driveway and turn lanes.
Traffic Signal Design, Walnut Street at Old SR 37, Bloomington, IN
The City of Bloomington is redesigning the intersection of Walnut Street and Old SR 37 as part of a trail project. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was hired as a subconsultant to analyze the design alternatives, prepare the signals timings, and develop the signal plans.
Signal Design, Rogers Street at Rockport Road, Bloomington, IN
The City of Bloomington is planning to improve Rogers Street from Country Club Road to Rockport Road with curbs and sidewalks. The project is being designed by Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering Services, LLC, who asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to design the signal revisions at Rogers Street and Rockport Road.
Signal Design, College at Third, College at Fourth and Walnut at Fourth, Bloomington, IN
The City of Bloomington hired Yarger Engineering, Inc. to develop traffic signal plans for the intersections of College Avenue at Third Street, College Avenue at Fourth Street, and Walnut Street at Fourth Street. The two signals on Fourth Street have been submitted for ARRA (Stimulus) funding. The College Avenue at Third Street signal was left out of the ARRA submittal due to funding constraints. Yarger Engineering, Inc. finished the plans and has them ready for local funding.
Signal Study and Design, Atwater Avenue at Henderson Street, Bloomington, IN
The City of Bloomington is planning to build an intersection improvement project at Atwater Avenue and Henderson Street. The project is being designed by Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering Services, LLC; who asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to prepare a traffic study and design the traffic signal. Yarger Engineering, Inc. has completed the study and is working closely with Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering Services, LLC in the design of the traffic signal. Yarger Engineering, Inc. also prepared signal timings for the signal when it is completed.
Holwager Commercial Park, SR 3, Spiceland, IN
Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study for a proposed development including a truck stop, hotel, and restaurants on SR 3 in Spiceland. They also considered two fast-food restaurants that may be developed on the other side of SR 3 by others.
Signal Study and Design, Oak Drive, Plymouth, IN
The City of Plymouth hired Cripe Architects + Engineers to design a reconstruction project for Oak Drive. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was hired as a subconsultant to analyze signal warrants and the design alternatives, prepare the signals timings, and develop the signal plans.
Cut-Through Traffic, City of Hurstbourne, KY
The City of Hurstbourne is concerned about a very large development called Oxmoor Farm just to the west of the City. The development is a mixed use with retail, office and residential uses. It occupies 386 acres and is estimated to generate 55,000 vehicle trips per day. The development plans call for connecting to stub streets in Hurstbourne’s residential area. The City already experiences a great deal of cut-through traffic due to high levels of congestion on Hurstbourne Parkway and Shelbyville Road. In addition, the University of Louisville’s Shelbyville campus is directly across Shelbyville Road from the City of Hurstbourne and is planning to expand. The City asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to review the existing traffic studies and help address concerns about the cut-through traffic anticipated by the City.
Grant Line Road Industrial Park West Traffic Impact Study, New Albany, IN
The City of New Albany plans to develop an industrial park on the west side of SR 111 (Grant Line Road) in New Albany. Yarger Engineering, Inc. is preparing the traffic impact study of 11 intersections including the I-265 at SR 111 intersections.
Rezone Remonstration, Laxen Estates, Avon, IN
Laxen Estates is a plan development inside of Forrest Commons in Avon. Concerned neighbors worry that the existing local streets are already over burdened due to the lack of a second entrance into the neighborhood and long cul-de-sac lengths. They are remonstrating against the development and asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to provide traffic information to support their position.
Signal Warrant Study, Culvers, Parker Street at Patterson Road, Warsaw, IN
Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic signal warrant study for a proposed Culver’s Restaurant in Warsaw, IN.
Colleges of Business and Education, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
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Indiana State University is planning to relocate the Colleges of Business and Education from their current home in the Statesman Towers to the Federal Building and University Hall. The building and site plans are being prepared by Schmidt Associates, who asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to prepare traffic studies for the nearby intersections to the new locations. Yarger Engineering, Inc. forecasted traffic including large volumes of pedestrians, developed and analyzed alternative intersection improvements, and prepared reports for the new locations of the College of Business and the College of Education.
Ellis Park Race Track, US 41, Henderson, KY
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet planned to shut down one of the two US 41 bridges over the Ohio River and detour traffic to the other bridge. Ellis Park Race Track is located at the northern end of the bridges and was concerned about the congestion that reducing the bridges from four lanes to two lanes would create and how it would impact access to their track. Ellis Park hired Yarger Engineering, Inc. to assist with convincing the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to change their plans and allow four lanes of traffic across the Ohio River. The Cabinet agreed and put three lanes on one bridge and one lane on the other while they painted the bridges. The traffic control plans for the bridge painting closed the crossover to the main driveway, so Yarger Engineering, Inc. also prepared traffic control plans for Ellis Park's internal traffic.
Rezone Remonstration, Five Points Road, Indianapolis, IN
A group of concerned neighbors remonstrated a proposed residential development in the southeast corner of Five Points Road and Hanna Avenue in Indianapolis. They asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to provide traffic information to help justify their position.
Intrametco Gravel Pit Traffic Study, CR 600 North, Hancock County, Indiana
Intrametco plans to reopen a gravel pit on CR 600 North. The County asked for a traffic impact study for the driveway reconfiguration and to access the impacts on the nearby intersection of SR 9 and CR 600 North. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared the traffic study.
Rezone Remonstration, Thixton Lane, Louisville, KY
A group of concerned neighbors remonstrated a proposed residential development on Thixton Lane in Louisville, KY. They asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to provide traffic information to help justify their position, including a travel time study and a survey of the roadway widths on Thixton Lane and other roads.
Pittsboro Elementary, Meridian Street, Pittsboro, IN
Pittsboro Elementary School is planning a new building that will essentially double the size of the school. Schmidt Associates is prepare construction plans for the new school building and asked Yarger Engineering, Inc. to prepare a traffic study and help address the current queuing problem with vehicles that drop off and pick up students. Yarger Engineering, Inc. studied the existing traffic, forecasted traffic with the new building, and developed several options to address the existing and future conditions.
US 421 Driveway Remonstration, Carmel, IN - Private
Duke Realty developed Walnut Creek Market Place on US 421. As part of a driveway permit, INDOT required a center curb be installed in US 421 by the developer. This center curb cut off access to and from properties on the west side of US 421. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was hired by the businesses on the west side to help mitigate the impacts of the center curb.
Traffic Impact Study, Traffic Signal Design, and Construction Engineering and Inspection, Shelbyville, IN - Pilot Travel Centers, LLC
Pilot Travel Centers, LLC developed a truck stop with a McDonald's restaurant in the southeast corner of CR 400 North and CR 200 West, just off of I-74 in Shelbyville. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study, designed a traffic signal, and provided construction engineering for the signal. The traffic impact study included several future offsite developments, four driveways to the truck stop and one public intersection.
Traffic Impact Study, Wal-Mart Supercenter, SR 67, Camby, IN Traffic Engineering, Inc.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. developed a Supercenter in Heartland Crossing on SR 67 in Camby. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was a subconsultant to Traffic Engineering, Inc. Yarger Engineering, Inc. forecasted the traffic, analyzed it, and wrote the traffic impact study report.
Traffic Impact Study, SR 39, Frankfort, IN - Community Schools of Frankfort
Community Schools of Frankfort is planning to build a new elementary school on SR 39 at Kelley Road. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study for the school. The scope included data collection, forecasting, capacity and loading analysis, and writing a report. Because of the unusual nature of the school traffic in Frankfort where many parents pick up their children from school, Yarger Engineering, Inc. collected trip generation and loading data at the three schools being merged into the new school. As a result of the loading analysis, the curbside waiting areas were increased about ten fold to deal with waiting parents.
Maintenance of Traffic Design, I-65 at Memphis Road, Memphis, IN - Paul Primavera and Associates, Inc.
Paul Primavera and Associates designed a sewer system for Memphis Road. Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed the maintenance of traffic for the project. Because of the very tight nature of the Memphis Road, the sewer construction was phased in order to close sections of Memphis Road under and around I-65, while allowing most of the road to stay open.
Progression Study, SR 32 at Carey Road/Grassy Branch Road, Westfield, IN - Traffic Engineering, Inc.
Traffic Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study for a shopping center on the south side of
SR 32 in Westfield. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared the progression study portion of the traffic
impact study.
Villa Francesca Roadway Design, Turkeyfoot Road, Zionsville, Indiana
Villa Francesca is a residential development along the west side of Turkeyfoot Road. Yarger Engineering is providing roadway design services for Turkeyfoot Road.
The Town of Zionsville required the developer to raise Turkeyfoot Road approximately 5 feet at the north end and bring Turkeyfoot Road along the entire frontage of Villa Francesca into compliance with the Town's standards. Turkeyfoot Road is a 20 wide two lane roadway with no shoulders, drop offs and trees along the east side, and 16.5 feet of right-of-way along the east side. To the south of the development, the west side's right-of-way is 25 feet. North of the development, the west side's right-of-way is 40 feet. The Town's standards call for a 30 foot wide roadway including the curbs plus right turn lanes at subdivision entrances. Because of the spacing of the subdivision entrances to Villa Francesca and to Oak Ridge immediately to the north of Villa Francesca, the Town standards call for a continuous right turn lane for most to the length of the project; therefore, the width of the pavement west of the centerline is increased to 26 feet. To provide a full normal design using the Town's standards would require about 90 feet of width at the widest point. At the same point, the available right-of-way is 56.5 feet. Adjacent property owners refuse to allow the use of their property for temporary right-of-way for grading.
Yarger Engineering developed several alignments with full profiles and cross sections to show various options of addressing the design requirements with retaining walls and roadway barrier walls.
Carey Realty Company Traffic Impact Study and Roadway Design, SR 15 at CR 350 North, Warsaw, Indiana
The Carey Realty Company development is part of a recent development pattern along SR 15 north of US 30 in Warsaw, Indiana. Along with Wal-Mart, Lowes, Lakeside Chevrolet, Petro PUD, and Thompson Thrift Development, the Carey Realty Company development is rapidly changing the face of northern Warsaw.
Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared the traffic impact study and roadway improvement plans for SR 15 and CR 350 North. The study scope included one intersection at SR 15 and CR 350 North. Yarger Engineering, Inc. used its own computerized forecasting model and Synchro to forecast and analyze the traffic. Yarger Engineering, Inc. then designed the need intersection improvements and provided construction engineering and inspection services. As a result of the study, SR 15 is being widened to provide left and right turn lanes to CR 350 North. CR 350 North teed in to SR 15 from the east. This project will provide the west approach of CR 350 North, which is also know as Sheldon Drive. CR 350 North/Sheldon Drive will provide a left and right turn lanes at SR 15. The existing signal was modified for the new lanes.
Thompson Thrift Development Traffic Impact Study and Road Design, SR 15, Warsaw, Indiana
The Thompson Thrift Development is located in the northwest corner of SR 15 at CR 300 N in Warsaw. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared the traffic impact study and roadway plans, and provided construction engineering and inspection for SR 15 and CR 300 North.
The study scope included three intersections on SR 15 and CR 300 North. Yarger Engineering, Inc. used its own computerized forecasting model and Synchro to forecast and analyze the traffic. Yarger Engineering, Inc. then designed the roadway improvements and provided construction engineering and inspection services. As a result of the study, SR 15 was widened to provide left and right turn lanes to CR 300 North. CR 300 North was widened to provide a left turn lane at SR 15. The southeast corner was improved to facilitate semis turning into Da-Lite Screens.
Wal-Mart Supercenter Traffic Study, US 421 at CR 400 North, Michigan City, Indiana
Arc Design Resources, Inc. was hired to design a new site for a Wal-Mart Supercenter (PDF 1.4MB), restaurant, and gas station. Arc Design Resources hired Yarger Engineering to prepare the traffic impact study for submittal to INDOT, Michigan City, and LaPorte County. Yarger Engineering counted traffic at five existing intersections and analyzed traffic flow at three existing intersections and three proposed driveways with and without the new development. The extra locations were counted to address traffic volume differences between the existing intersections that were analyzed.
Progression Study, US 41 at Lynch Road, Evansville, Indiana
Yarger Engineering was hired as a subconsultant to prepare a traffic signal progression analysis study (PDF 788K) for submittal to INDOT. Yarger Engineering used traffic volumes developed by the prime consultant for six intersections with and without the development and with a proposed widening of US 41. Yarger Engineering used Synchro for the analyses and prepared a written report for inclusion in the prime consultant's report.
Sand and Gravel South Mueller, Martin Marietta Aggregates Mining Operation Remonstration, 106th Street at Hazel Dell Parkway, Carmel, Indiana
Local homeowners were concerned about a proposed open pit mining operation in their neighborhood. The proposed use would have generated significant dump truck traffic on Hazel Dell Parkway and 106th Street.
Yarger Engineering researched the petitioner's file in the Carmel Department of Community Services and visited the site. They conducted an informal floating car technique speed study and estimated the sight distance at Hazel Del Parkway and 106th Street. Dump trucks require additional intersection sight distance over passenger cars. They also commented on several other traffic related issues.
Starlight Leasing (Mining) Remonstration, SR 37 at Perry Road, Martinsville, Indiana
Local homeowners were concerned about a proposed strip mining operation in their neighborhood. The only driveway to the site was located on SR 37 across from Perry Road in Morgan County. The proposed use would have generated significant dump truck traffic, which requires additional sight distance over passenger cars. Yarger Engineering measured the sight distance at the intersection and took a speed study to show that three fourths of the traffic exceed the speed limit. The speeds were critical because of the limited sight distance at the intersection was barely adequate for the posted speed, but inadequate for the majority of traffic. Yarger Engineering presented its findings in the remonstration portion of the zoning hearing.
Indy Parks Remonstration, Reed Road, Indianapolis, Indiana
Eagle Creek Homeowners' Association was concerned about a soccer complex that Indy Parks proposed on the east side of Reed Road and south of 56th Street.They believed that the entrance would not be across from their entrance, but were later told by the Park's Department that the entrance was relocated from Burkwood Way to Shadow Wood Drive for traffic safety reasons. The association doubted the validity of the statement and wanted an independent traffic study to confirm or deny the claim.
Yarger Engineering surveyed the roadway and compared the sight distance at the two intersections. Yarger Engineering also provided additional traffic information and study criteria for the association to use in its remonstration.
Kohl's Traffic Impact Study, SR 15 at CR 300 North, Warsaw, Indiana
Kohl's Department stores hire Malcolm and Associates to locate a site for a new store in Warsaw and do a feasibility study. Malcolm and Associates hired Yarger Engineering to prepare a traffic impact study for the single use site. INDOT and the City of Warsaw required extensive roadway improvements to approve permits. The project was turned over to Thompson Thrift Development, Inc. so they could spread the costs of the required improvements over more tenants.
Kentuckiana Heart Hospital Remonstration, Payne Kohler Road, New Albany, Indiana
A new heart hospital was proposed for New Albany on Payne Kohler Road. Payne Kohler Road is a two lane county road that tees into Blackiston Boulevard. Blackiston Boulevard then tees into Charlestown Road and Blackiston Mill Road. The intersections are stop sign controlled. Charlestown Road is a five lane roadway. Blackiston Mill Road is a two lane roadway that widens to provide left and right turn lanes at Charlestown Road. The intersection of Charlestown Road and Blackiston Mill Road is signalized.
Southern Indiana Rehabilitation Hospital is located adjacent to the south of the site. They have experienced congestion problems with several intersections in the area and were concerned about the additional traffic and congestion that would be created by Kentuckiana Heart Hospital. Yarger Engineering provided an independent traffic impact study for the proposed hospital. The study included ten intersections. The primary intersections of concern were Blackiston Boulevard at Charlestown Road and Blackiston Boulevard at Blackiston Mill Road. Both are two way stop sign controlled. In the remonstration portion of the zoning hearing, Yarger Engineering presented their findings and the problems with the petitioner's traffic study.
Petro Planned Unit Development, Traffic Impact Study and Road Design, SR 15 at Petro Drive, Warsaw, Indiana
The Petro Planned Unit Development (PUD) is located on the west of SR 15 between CR 250 N and CR 300 N. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared the traffic impact study and roadway improvement plans for SR 15.
The study scope included six intersections on SR 15 including two interchange ramps. Yarger Engineering, Inc. incorporated data from previous studies for the other developments and INDOT counts. Yarger Engineering, Inc. used its spreadsheet based forecasting tools and internally developed version of the highway capacity manual for the project. The company also used Synchro and SimTraffic to analyze the existing and future traffic conditions.
As a result of the study, Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed SR 15 to be widened from two to four lanes plus left and right turn lanes to the driveways for Petro PUD and Lakeside Chevrolet.
Lakeside Chevrolet, Traffic Impact Study, SR 15 at Petro Drive, Warsaw, Indiana
Lakeside Chevrolet wanted to move from SR 15 south of US 30 to a new location just north of US 30 in order to expand. In order to get a driveway permit, INDOT required a traffic impact study that included six intersections on SR 15 including two interchange ramps. Yarger Engineering, Inc. used its spreadsheet based forecasting tools and internally developed version of the highway capacity manual for the project. They also used Synchro and SimTraffic to analyze the existing and future traffic conditions.
Traffic Signal Design, US 6 at POW-MIA Way, Portage, Indiana
Per a traffic signal agreement signed by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and INDOT when the Wal-Mart shopping center received its driveway permit, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. contracted with Yarger Engineering, Inc. to design a traffic signal and perform construction engineering. US 6 was under construction of a widening project by INDOT during construction.
CMAQ Study, Lynhurst Drive, High School Road, Girls School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana
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The City of Indianapolis contracted with Engineering Design and Inspection Services to design sixteen traffic signal modernizations. As part of the project, a CMAQ funding study was required. EDIS subcontracted Yarger Engineering, Inc. to forecast traffic, conduct speed studies, and estimate the speed improvements from implementing the signal modernizations in the current and design year.
Ameriplex Development, Indianapolis, Indiana
Ameriplex is a 1,300 acre commercial development on the south side I-70 between the Hendricks County Line and I-465 with industrial park and retail uses. Part of the industrial park development has already been developed. A new interchange is proposed for I-70 and Six Points Road. Six Point Road will then become Ameriplex Parkway as it crosses through the middle of the Ameriplex development. Holladay Properties hired Yarger Engineering, Inc. to forecasts traffic for the development, review the proposed roadways in the area, and make recommendations.
McKinley Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Study, Muncie, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the traffic study and roadway plans for a proposed safety improvement project by Ball State University for the City of Muncie. The project involved reconstruction of McKinley Avenue and various side streets to provide a pedestrian refuge in a new median. It also involved modernizing the traffic control devices. At issue with the project was determining if the capacity of the proposed facility would be sufficient for the next 20 years. The traffic study prepared by BSU's traffic engineering consultant only forecasted to 2010, and yet the improvements are still under design.
The two signalized intersections have some unique features due to the extremely large number of pedestrians. The most prominent feature is the use of pedestrian scramble phasing. This is a very time- consuming way to move pedestrians and wastes intersection capacity. Traffic currently queues up for two to three blocks during peak times.
Traffic forecasting was also an issue with the study. The two primary reasons were the study's horizon year (2010 vs. 2023) and the recent plans to move major parking structures and buildings.
Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the traffic signal operations and developed alternatives to the proposed plans to account for 2023 traffic levels. Alternatives included different lane geometry, longer turn lanes, different signal and pedestrian phasing, optimized signal timings, and progression alternatives.
US 31 at 146th Street, Westfield Indiana
INDOT plans to upgrade US 31 to a freeway in Hamilton County. On behalf property owners, Yarger Engineering, Inc. is reviewing the status of the project and commenting on the proposed changes.
US 31 at American Legion Traffic Control Design and Construction Engineering, Greenwood, Indiana - American Legion Post 252
The Greenwood American Legion Post requested Yarger Engineering, Inc. to redesign their driveway to better inform motorists of the one-way circulation pattern for their parking lot. Yarger Engineering developed a marking and signage plan, and also provided construction engineering and staking.
Smokey Row Estates Remonstration*, Greenwood, Indiana - Private
A new residential development requested a zoning variance in Johnson County. The adjacent neighborhood to the north was concerned about connecting the two neighborhoods because of potential cut through traffic, speeding, and a sight distance problem that would be created by connecting the two neighborhoods. On behalf existing property owners, Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the existing and proposed roadway plans and documented the sight distance problem. Yarger Engineering developed alternatives to eliminate or at least reduce the cut through traffic and speeds. By reducing the speeds, the sight distance problem would be lessened.
INDOT has developed roadway plans to widen SR 66 in Evansville. On behalf of a law firm representing some property owners along SR 66, Yarger Engineering, Inc. worked with INDOT to minimize impacts from the right-of-way takings and assisted the property owners with internal circulation plans for the resulting roadway geometrics. Yarger Engineering, Inc. looked for ways that both INDOT and the property owners would benefit from their proposed changes to the roadway plans. One example is the closing of one driveway nearest a signalized intersection and the relocation of another that resulted in about a 90% reduction in the number of parking spaces removed from an auto dealership. The new driveway location also resulted in better internal circulation.
Fall Creek Road and 96th Street at County Line Road, Fishers, Indiana
Hamilton County Highway Department planned to widen Fall Creek Road and 96th Street at County Line Road. Local property owners hired Yarger Engineering, Inc. to review the need to widen the roads. After reviewing the plans, Yarger Engineering, Inc. was able to convince the Hamilton County Commissioners that the proposed four and five lane sections were too wide for the forecasted traffic east of the intersection. The review is still under way for the intersection and to the west; however, the Commissioners are very doubtful if Fall Creek Road west of the intersection will ever be widened.
US 136 at Northfield Drive, East Junction, Brownsburg, Indiana
At the request of Brownsburg, Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for the intersection and performed construction engineering. The project was a design/build contract with James H. Drew Corporation. The traffic signal included coordination with the CSX Railroad for traffic signal preemption and incorporated plans to widen Northfield Drive.
Elementary School Traffic Impact Study, Grassy Branch Road, Westfield, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. performed a traffic impact study for a new elementary school on Grassy Branch Road in Westfield, Indiana for the Westfield - Washington School System. The school site plan proposed a single driveway to the site. Most of the surrounding land was vacant for many miles to the north and east. Yarger Engineering, Inc. determined the likely growth of the community to north and east of the school, forecasted the traffic in front of the school, and determined lane geometry and traffic control needed on Grassy Branch Road and within the site. Yarger Engineering, Inc. also commented on a nearby intersection that would need major improvements with or without the school.
Johnson Street Traffic Signal Timings, Elkhart, Indiana
In 1997, Yarger Engineering and Traffic Engineering Consultants performed a joint project to retime traffic signals along Johnson Street in Elkhart, Indiana. The signal system consisted of six signalized intersections. Johnson Street provides the bridge across the St. Joseph River and is a major collector in Elkhart. Several of the intersections were experiencing extremely high delays before the project.
Traffic Engineering Consultants gathered the data and performed isolated traffic signal capacity analyses. Yarger Engineering optimized the signal system timings, and then installed the traffic signal timings into controllers and made field adjustments. Yarger Engineering also troubleshot the existing traffic signal equipment as they related to the new timings.
Since the initial project, Yarger Engineering has returned to Elkhart several times to update and maintain the traffic signal timings. New traffic signal controllers were installed in September 1999 and Yarger Engineering adjusted the traffic signal timings to reflect the new equipment and changes in traffic volumes. In 2001, a nearby city street was closed and the traffic rerouted to Johnson Street. Yarger Engineering developed and installed traffic signal timings for the detours.In 2004 Yarger Engineering provided trouble shooting services for a malfunctioning traffic signal system.
College Avenue at 106th Street, Hamilton County, Indiana
The current intersection is a conglomeration of minor widening projects and split phasing for 106th Street. The intersection design proposed by the Hamilton County Highway Department included several new turn and through lanes, plus a standard eight phase traffic signal. At the request of the Clay Township Trustee's Office, Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the traffic study and plans. Several deficiencies and over designed items were discovered. The most crucial issues discovered in the review were that the through and turn lanes were not long enough to work as initially thought. In a detailed operational review, queues were found to stretch of over half a mile with a design that a less detailed analysis using HCS found to work fine. The assumptions of the HCS were violated, but not discovered until Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the plans. Yarger Engineering, Inc. then presented alternatives to provide a design that would truly function in the desired manner.
Hazel Dell Ponds Subdivision, Carmel, Indiana
A developer submitted plans to insert a new housing subdivision that the adjoining neighborhood associations felt would lower their property values. The main issues were double frontage lots and vehicular speeds. By building a street in the new area, there would only be enough land for one row of houses and thereby create double frontage lots out of the existing lots. This street would also be long enough to encourage through traffic to reach high speeds. Yarger Engineering, Inc. was asked to review the plans and Carmel Subdivision Ordinances, and then comment on the concerns. Working with an attorney and the Carmel Planning Commission, the group was able to reach a compromise that did not include the offending street, but still allowed the development.
Parkwood West and College Hills Remonstrations, Traffic Impact Studies, Carmel, Indiana
In 1998, Duke Corporation sought zoning changes to the northwest, southwest, and southeast quadrants of I-465 and US 31 in Hamilton County, Indiana. Neighborhood groups in the area and private individuals banded together to form the Heartland Coalition to remonstrate the zoning changes, and more importantly, the deterioration of their quality of life due to increased traffic congestion that would result from the more than a million square feet of new office and retail development.
Yarger Engineering, Inc. provided traffic engineering assistance to Heartland Coalition in the form of reviewing the developer-prepared study and by preparing an independent traffic impact study that identified deficiencies in the proposed roadway improvements by the developer to mitigate the increased traffic. The study consisted of the I-465 ramps, US 31, 96th Street, 103rd Street, Springmill Road, College Avenue, and various driveways. Yarger Engineering, Inc. demonstrated that the development was too large for the surrounding roadway network to handle even with proposed modifications. The scope of the development was dramatically reduced and the traffic was reanalyzed. Yarger Engineering used Synchro and SimTraffic as well as internally developed versions of the highway capacity manual to analyze the traffic. The Synchro and SimTraffic were selected for their ability to show graphically the congestion problems to the Carmel Planning Commission in Carmel City Council.
In a related project, the College Hills neighborhood was redeveloped as an office complex. This project is immediately east of Parkwood Crossing. Yarger Engineering again used Synchro and SimTraffic to demonstrate the resulting congestion. (Aerial photography provided by Above All Photography, Ltd.)
Towne Road at 106th Street, Hamilton County, Indiana
The existing intersection had single lane approaches to a four-way stop. The intersection design proposed by the Hamilton County Highway Department included several new turn and through lanes. At the request of the property owners in the area, Yarger Engineering, Inc. reviewed the traffic study and plans. Several deficiencies and over-designed items were discovered. Yarger Engineering, Inc. then presented alternatives to provide a design that would truly function in the desired manner while saving many acres of private property and lowering the cost of the project. For example, one family saved about 20,000 sft of frontage on Towne Road.
University High School, Carmel, Indiana
University High School developed a private high school in the southwest corner of 116th Street and Towne Road. Yarger Engineering, Inc. prepared a traffic impact study consisting of seven existing intersections and three new driveways. The company also prepared plans and specifications for a driveway and associated turn lanes on 116th Street in coordination with nearby projects by Carmel and Hamilton County.
SR 1 at I-69 Progression Study, Fort Wayne, Indiana
As part of a traffic impact study, Yarger Engineering, Inc. was asked to perform a progression study of SR 1 using PASSER. The study determined the optimal coordination patterns and demonstrated that the coordination of SR 1 would not be severely disrupted by an additional signal in the system. Yarger Engineering, Inc. also pointed out that PASSER, while providing very good mainline progression, was actually not optimizing the system. Because of the high turning volumes, PASSER's assumption that the mainline progression would progress the majority of the traffic was incorrect. The mainline only accounted for 40% of the traffic at the site driveway while the side streets (I-69 off ramps) accounted for 60% of the traffic. Yarger Engineering, Inc. then determined the necessary offsets to progress the majority of the traffic. By understanding the way that PASSER works and having hands-on experience in traffic signal operations, Yarger Engineering, Inc. was able to find the best solution for the project.
INDOT Statewide Traffic Data Collection, Indiana
In 1997, INDOT contracted with Dames and Moore to provide traffic data collection services. Dames and Moore subcontracted with Yarger Engineering, Inc. to provide technical expertise and local area knowledge. When requested by INDOT, Yarger Engineering, Inc. scoped out the counts and estimated the fees required to collect the data. Dames and Moore personnel then placed the counters and retrieved them a couple of days later. Yarger Engineering, Inc. reduced the raw counter data and reformatted it to be compatible with INDOT's data collection software.& Some of the locations counted included I-80/94 in Lake County and I-465 in Marion County. These involved special counters that did not have compatible file formats to INDOT's data collection software. Yarger Engineering, Inc. developed translation procedures to convert the data into an acceptable file format.
Traffic Signal Design, SR 3, North Vernon, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for an existing Wal-Mart store in North Vernon, Indiana.
Traffic Signal Design, US 231, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for an existing Wal-Mart store in Crawfordsville, Indiana. They also redesigned an adjacent driveway to prohibit left turns.
Traffic Signal Design, SR 37, Paoli, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for an existing Wal-Mart store in Paoli, Indiana.
Traffic Signal Design, Hart Street, Vincennes, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for the intersection of Hart Street at Kimmel Road in Vincennes. They also assisted the City in construction and provided signal timings.
Traffic Signal Design, SR 37 at Town and Country Boulevard, Noblesville, Indiana
Yarger Engineering, Inc. designed a traffic signal for the intersection of SR 37 at Town and Country Boulevard in Noblesville for a new shopping center. They also assisted the developer with construction inspection.
Fully Actuated Versus Semi-Actuated Signal Systems - A Research Paper
(Fully Actuated Versus Semi-Actuated Signal Systems - PDF 160K) (Get the free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
In 1993, Mr. Yarger personally took on a research project into the operation of traffic signal systems using HCS, TRANSYT-7F, and Traf-NETSIM. The purpose was to answer design issues about whether fully actuated signal systems performed better or worse than semi-actuated systems. When confronted with differing opinions as well as his opinion, he did a literature search, but found that there was no factually based information on the topic. His own experience was that fully actuated traffic signal systems were extremely rare in Indiana and that most people believed in order to coordinate fully actuated signals they had to be placed in semi-actuated mode. Having successfully designed, installed, and operated fully actuated systems without going to semi-actuate mode, he knew it was not only possible, but also practical.
For this research, Mr. Yarger selected HCS and TRANSYT-7F for some of the initial optimizations and Traf-NETSIM as the primary analysis tool. The research concentrated on arterial systems, but grew in scope to include pretimed traffic signals and grid patterned street systems. He put in approximately 400 hours of his own time doing the research. In the end, he determined that not only did fully actuated signal systems out perform semi-actuated system, but pretimed systems also out performed semi-actuated systems when not hampered by pedestrians.
Mr. Yarger submitted his paper to ITE as a presentation topic and it was accepted. In September 1993, Mr. Yarger gave the presentation to an international group of traffic engineers at the 1993 ITE Annual Meeting in The Hague, Netherlands. Later that year, he presented it to a national corporate meeting of traffic engineers from HNTB. In 1995, Mr. Yarger also presented the paper at the ITE District III annual meeting.
This project demonstrates Mr. Yarger's familiarity with traffic signal systems, which he has acquired through years of study, research, operation, planning, design and maintenance of them. While the research was completely theoretical, his hands-on knowledge was invaluable to the project.
US 41 at Honey Creek Square, Terre Haute, Indiana
Independent Study Senior Project, Purdue University
In 1982, Mr. Yarger personally took on an analysis project of US41 in Terre Haute using NETSIM. The purpose was to investigate closing a cross over that was experiencing left turn accidents. Locals complained that INDOT's plans to close the cross over would substantially increase the delay at a nearby signal that was already over capacity. On behalf of the Crawfordsville District Traffic Department, Mr. Yarger analyzed the before and after conditions using NETSIM. Because of the very complex nature of the intersection, the actuated traffic signal, and the unsignalized intersection, NETSIM was selected for the analysis tool. At the time, it was the only tool capable of analyzing all the components at the same time. The analysis showed there would be substantially no difference in the delay at the signalized intersection. Mr. Yarger presented his findings at the Indiana Section - Purdue Student Section Joint ITE Meeting.